Adrien Alberini

Adrien Alberini

Prof. Dr. iur., LL.M. in Rechtswissenschaften, Wissenschaften & Technologie, Rechtsanwalt




Telefon direkt: +41 58 658 31 61

Curriculum Vitae

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Adrien Alberini specializes in technology law, providing services in relation to the setting up of innovative projects, drafting and negotiating complex agreements, as well as representing clients before courts or in the context of settlement negotiations. Adrien Alberini further assists entrepreneurs and fast-growing companies in relation to the development of their commercial activities, the structuring of their business and the management of financing matters. Moreover, Adrien Alberini is a recognized expert in economic law, a field in which he assists entities in the public sector on a regular basis. He also provides regular assistance to private companies with respect to regulatory issues and their relationship with States or regulators.

After graduating from law school at the Universities of Lausanne and St-Gallen (2001-2005), Adrien Alberini has obtained a PhD in European Competition Law at the University of Geneva (2005-2009). Adrien Alberini was then admitted to the Geneva Bar (2011) and has postgraduated from Stanford Law School with an LL.M. in Law, Science & Technology (2013-2014). Prior to joining Walder Wyss, he has practised at a leading Swiss law firm (2009-2016) and was a partner at a boutique firm specializing in technology law (2016-2024).

Adrien Alberini speaks French, English, German, and Italian. He is registered with the Geneva Bar Registry and admitted to practice in all Switzerland.

Contrat de services cloud

Projets informatiques : comment gérer contractuellement les risques (notamment de propriété intellectuelle) ?

Intelligence artificielle – Perspective juridique

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

L’innovation au sein de l’Etat

Utilisation d’un outil d’intelligence artificielle – répartition des droits sur les données utilisées entre le titulaire de l’outil et ses utilisateurs

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

The Protection of minority shareholders

Les accords dans le secteur de la construction : quelles limites posées par le droit de la concurrence ?

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Protection des données et cybersécurité

Digital Governance and GDPR

Data Protection and GDPR for non-profit organisations

Data Protection in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Blockchain and Data Protection

Le droit suisse des noms de domaine

Utilisation de solutions cloud : Cadre réglementaire dans la perspective de l’avocat

Protection des données et cybersécurité

Data governance from a legal perspective

Automatisation de la profession d’avocat

May the GDPR force be with you (GDRP and digital marketing)

AI vs Law

Plateformes numériques : quel risque de responsabilité ? Systématisation au regard des plateformes Airbnb et Tripadvisor

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

The Swiss Federal Tribunal renders a judgment taking a hard line on vertical restraints

Secret professionnel de l’avocat et solutions cloud

Data portability and interoperability: an issue that needs to be anticipated in today's IT-driven world

Legal Marketplaces : opportunité et/ou menace pour les avocats et les Ordres d’avocats

Copyright 4.0: a global perspective (and many takeaways)

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

« Table ronde sur l’affaire Gaba », dirigée par Me C. Rapin, avec la participation du Prof. V. Martenet, de Me Dreyer et de Me Birkhäuser

«Online Exhaustion of IP Rights», Rapport suisse pour la Ligue internationale du droit de la concurrence International (LIDC), Congrès de Turin 2014

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Online Exhaustion of IP Rights

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

Ex-post evaluation of competition authority decisions: the case of Switzerland

Droit des accords verticaux : de l’enfance à l’adolescence

Recent developments in Swiss competition law

The Swiss Competition Commission Opens the Door to a More Economic Approach for Vertical Price Fixing (Clips and Shears)

The Swiss Competition Commission Authorizes the Pre-Implementation of a Merger before its Formal Notification (Schaeffler/Continental)

Les clauses de non-concurrence en droit communautaire de la concurrence : approche systématique d’une notion à géométrie variable

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