15 May 2019 - Cantons may continue to restrict the number of doctors

14. Mai 2019 – The Cantons may regulate the number of doctors working in the ambulatory sector of hospitals for another two years. On 14 December 2018, the Parliament extended the validity of art. 55a of the Health Insurance Act, according to which the admission of doctors to work at the expense of compulsory health insurance in the ambulatory sector of hospitals may be restricted. Following the Parliament’s decision, the Federal Council decided at its meeting of 15 May 2019 to adjust the period of validity of the relevant Ordinance on the Restriction of the Admission of Service Providers for Activities Chargeable to Compulsory Health Insurance (SR 832.103) accordingly. The amendment of the Ordinance will enter into force on 1 July 2019 and will remain in force until 30 June 2021. For further information, see here.