Out-of-Stock – Covid-19 – Authorizations for the temporary import and distribution of human medicines

29. April 2022 – In Ordinance 3 on Measures to Combat the Coronavirus (Covid-19 Ordinance 3), the Federal Council issues provisions designed to ensure the supply of important medical goods. Based on Article 22 para. 3 of this ordinance, Swissmedic can approve the import of essentially identical medicinal products as a short-term solution for any temporary non-availability of medicinal products. Medicinal products imported by hospital pharmacists under their own responsibility according to Article 22 para. 1 of the Covid-19 Ordinance 3 are not included in this list.

See here, to see the tables which list the temporary import and distribution licenses granted by Swissmedic on the basis of the Covid-19 Ordinance 3. The goods are usually allocated and information is provided on their respective availability by the department at the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) responsible for procuring medical goods.