New admission restriction in four medical specialties in the canton of Zurich will not be implemented for the time being

22. Juni 2023 – The Canton of Zurich has decided that the planned restrictions on admission in four medical specialties in implementation of art. 55a of the Health Insurance Act (Bundesgesetz über die Krankenversicherung, KVG) will not enter into force for the time being. According to a ruling on the implementation of the admission restriction in the canton of Basel-Landschaft, a formal enactment in a cantonal act is required both for the definitive regulation of the admission restriction and for the transitional regulation. In light of this ruling, the Canton of Zurich will first create a corresponding cantonal legal basis for the admission restriction and will not adopt the originally planned transitional regulation, which would have regulated the implementation of the federal requirements at ordinance level.

For more information, see here.