New guidance document Import of a human medicinal product according to Art. 14 para. 2 and 3 of the Therapeutic Products Act (parallel import)

5. Januar 2024 – As part of cost containment package 1b, the parliament approved a new paragraph 3 in Art. 14 TPA on 30 September 2022. This provides for additional simplifications for parallel imported medicinal products. Implementation has meant the revision of the Ordinance of the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products on the Simplified Licensing of Therapeutic Products and the Licensing of Therapeutic Products by the Notification Procedure (Verordnung des Schweizerischen Heilmittelinstituts über die vereinfachte Zulassung von Arzneimitteln und die Zulassung von Arzneimitteln im Meldeverfahren, VAZV). The revised provisions enter into force on 1 January 2024.

For more information, see here.