Fertility measures for cancer patients and examinations of the cerebrospinal fluid covered by health care insurance

9. Juli 2019 – The Federal Department of Home Affairs decided that measures to preserve the fertility of people suffering from cancer will now be covered by compulsory health insurance. If cancer patients run the risk that a planned treatment will lead to an impairment of ovarian or testicular function, sperm, egg cells or ovarian tissue can be stored frozen (cryopreservation) and reused after therapy. Such methods are newly covered for women and men up to the age of 40. In addition, analyses of the cerebrospinal fluid for the diagnosis of dementia will be covered. These analyses allow a more reliable diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. They serve to distinguish the disease from dementia with a treatable cause and from other diseases with similar symptoms, such as depression. The analyses also enable an earlier diagnosis and a prompt therapy, which slows down the progression of the disease and alleviates symptoms (for further information, see: here).