Coronavirus: Federal Council Extends and Tightens Measures

14. Januar 2021 – On 13 January 2021, the Federal Council approved, in addition to an expansion of the measures against the spread of the virus, the tariff agreement for the remuneration of the necessary vaccination. The tariff agreement brings a uniform regulation of the remuneration by the compulsory health care insurance and applies to all insured persons in Switzerland as of January 1, 2021. Specifically, it includes a flat rate of CHF 14.50 for the services associated with each vaccination and an amount of CHF 5.00 per vaccination dose, which also includes the vaccination material. Assuming a vaccination coverage rate of 60% of the Swiss population and two vaccine doses per person, the costs to be borne by the mandatory health insurance system amount to approximately CHF 201 million for the current year. The actual price of the vaccine is confidential. According to the Epidemics Act, the federal government will cover the amount in excess of the five francs per vaccine dose. In addition, no deductible is charged, and the cantons bear the cost of the deductible. The vaccination is thus reimbursed in full. The goal of the Federal Council is to vaccinate all persons willing to be vaccinated by summer 2021.

For further information, see here.