Winter session of the Council of States: Vote on various motions in connection with cost containment as well as the cost containment measures - package 1

9. Dezember 2021 – On 9 December 2021 the Swiss Council of States deliberated and voted on several motions in connection with the cost containment under the Federal Health Insurance Act. The Council of States (like the National Council) rejected by 24 votes to 17 with two abstentions the creation of a reference price system for generic medicines. As an alternative the Council of States accepted the motion for cost containment thanks to the removal of negative incentives while maintaining quality and security of supply and further accepted the motion regarding the evaluation of performance-based remuneration for pharmacists. A motion intending to enable parallel imports was rejected by the Council. Furthermore, the Council rejected the inclusion of an article in the Act that would oblige the tariff partners to take cost control measures and another article which would entitle the health insurance funds to make profits in the compulsory healthcare insurance (OKP).

For more information see here (Federal Health Insurance Act; Amendment regarding cost containment measures - package 1), here (motion for cost containment thanks to the removal of negative incentives while maintaining quality and security of supply), here (motion enabling parallel imports) and here (motion regarding the evaluation of performance-based remuneration for pharmacists).