Early revision of ordinance on veterinary medicinal products legislation

31. Januar 2022 – The implementing ordinances revised under the revision of the ordinance on veterinary medicinal products legislation came into force on 28 January 2022. The early revision of the ordinance on veterinary medicinal products legislation covers various enactments of therapeutic product legislation at Federal Council and Swissmedic level. The changes concern the Veterinary Medicinal Products Ordinance, the Therapeutic Products Ordinance and the Medicinal Products Licensing Ordinance. Swissmedic has also revised the Therapeutic Products Licensing Requirements Ordinance and Annexes 7 and 7a TPLRO. In addition, Swissmedic has revised guideline I-SMI.RL.03 “Establishment of the conditions for the manufacture and sale of medicated feedingstuffs”.

For more information, see here.