Plastic surgery: clinics circumvent advertising ban

28. April 2022 – Beauty clinics know hardly any limits when it comes to advertising their procedures; there are even discounts and last-minute appointments. However, advertising of this kind violates the professional code of conduct in the sector and provisions as set out in the Medical Professions Act (Medizinalberufegesetz). Patients may not be actively advertised to or induced to undergo surgery by means of discounts. From a legal point of view, strict conditions would apply to advertising in the medical field.

The FMH Swiss Medical Association takes a more critical view of the matter. According to its code of ethics, members must announce their qualifications "in a restrained and unobtrusive manner". Advertising is inadmissible if the information is unobjective and/or untrue and damages the reputation of the medical profession. The FMH Swiss Medical Association further considers it delicate, that certain doctors are trying to solicit female patients by means of recommendations in social media.

For more information, see here.