Joachim Guggenheim

Joachim Guggenheim

Trainee Lawyer




Direct phone: +41 586 58 31 24

Curriculum Vitae

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Joachim Guggenheim is a trainee lawyer at Walder Wyss in Geneva.

He completed his university studies in Geneva, where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Law (BLaw - 2019), a Master's degree in Law (MLaw - 2021) and a Certificate of advenced studies in legal professions (CAS - 2021).

In parallel with his academic studies, Joachim Guggenheim has co-founded the Swiss Diplomacy Student Association (SDSA) in 2019, an association recognised by the University of Geneva, in which he served as vice-president and then jurist. Active in the associative sector, he provided legal advice on a voluntary basis as a member of the Permanence Juridique des Etudiants for two years.

Before joining Walder Wyss in 2023, Joachim Guggenheim worked as a jurist for two years at a renowned bank in Lausanne.

Joachim Guggenheim advises his clients mainly in French, but also has good knowledge of German and Italian. He is registered in the Geneva cantonal register of trainee lawyers.